Responsible banking: what does it mean?

In order to face 1.5°C challenge, all sectors must be committed to reducing their environmental footprint and managing their impacts to a more positive way for society. Industries, energy producers, transportation and services, all pans of our economy are facing a worldwide issue and need to adapt themselves to slow down global warming.

Finance is particularly concerned by this challenge because banks have the power - and now the duty - to drive our economy to a greener way and push all stakeholders to respect sustainable operating modes to both preserve our environment and guarantee growth for all. 

However, to do so, finance has to adapt itself first by integrating new principles and, by consequence, new sustainable ways of doing business. Banks are leading this change. Without them, the economy will not be able to face the current environmental crisis.

In this way, the United Nations have initiated a global alliance and defined key banking principles.

Indeed, "the Principles for Responsible Banking are a unique framework for ensuring that signatory banks’ strategy and practice align with the vision society has set out for its future in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.

230 banks have now joined this movement for change, leading the way towards a future in which the banking community makes the kind of positive contribution to people and the planet that society expects.

These banks represent more than a third of the global banking industry. This is a journey of unprecedented scale and scope at a time when such ambition is urgently needed